Congratulations to firm partner Michael Ursillo, newly named City Solicitor for the City of Warwick. Mike was appointed by Mayor Frank Picozzi for a two-year term. See the Mayor’s official announcement here.

With more than 35 years of municipal law experience including representation of twelve Rhode Island cities and towns on all sides of the political aisle, Mike and the team at UTR have successfully assisted municipalities navigate issues that include: labor contract negotiations and grievances; open meeting laws and public records requests; tax revaluations and appeals; code violations and other vital municipal issues.

Pictured here: Official appointment on January 5th by Mayor Picozzi (left)

Known for getting to the heart of legal matters to resolve disputes, build consensus and avoid unnecessary litigation, Mike and the municipal law team at UTR brings an in-depth understanding of the critical challenges facing municipalities across our state; ultimately, their knowledge and familiarity with multiple municipalities will result in efficiencies for the City of Warwick and its taxpayers.

Learn more about our municipal law practice here.

Mike  is a graduate of Brown University  and Boston University School of Law. He is the probate judge for the Town of West Greenwich, a fellow of the Rhode Island Bar Foundation, and a member of the RI Supreme Court Board of Bar Examiners. He formerly served on the RI Supreme Court Character and Fitness Committee.

He served as the International President for the Sigma Chi Fraternity and was recently elected to its Foundation Board, which provides scholarships and educational programming to benefit undergraduates of Sigma Chi.

See Mike’s full biography and reach out to him here.

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